An immersive experience pulls a person into another real or imagined world, enabling them to manipulate and interact with their environment. Immersive experiences use a blend of visuals, sound and technology to deliver unforgettable and engaging worlds.

I have written several articles related to immersive experiences that could be of interest:

Building Blocks

The experiences provided below are not fully fledged immersive experiences but smaller building blocks and, as such, parts of larger experiences.

Vehicle Physics

A bare bones scene integrated with the cannon-es physics engine providing vehicle physics for the car together with rigid body physics for the boxes.

Check out the Vehicle Physics experience.

Basic Shader

A basic GLSL shader with the ability to modify the behaviour of the shader (that is, the x-frequency, y-frequency and position parameters).

Check out the Basic Shader experience.

Animated Character

An animated character with the ability to choose the active animation from a set of animations (that is, idle, walking, running and dancing).

Check out the Animated Character experience.

Three Rooms

An example of a scroll-based animation. Scrolling the page not only triggers the animation of the scene, but also the accompanying HTML elements. This is a classical —albeit, very simple— example of incorporating 3D elements into the overall page design.

Check out the Three Rooms experience.

Dancing Girl

A fully fledged scene with a character dancing in a room. Apart from the animated character, other elements in the scene are also animated. Can you find them all?

Check out the Dancing Girl experience.

Magical Portal

A magical portal scene including two shaders; one for the actual portal itself and the second one for the fireflies. In addition, the scene is using a baked texture to really bring out the light and shadows in the scene whilst also providing substantial performance benefits (with no real-time lighting required).

Check out the Magical Portal experience.